موسوعة تفسير الاحلام بدون نت

by M. shaker



Dream interpretation bookThe science of interpreting visions in Islam is an integrated Islamic legal science with rules derived from the Holy Qur’an and the Prophet’s Hadith as a rule. The goal of this science is to interpret the visions that come from God and have useful meanings and interpretations for the individual or society in matters of religion and the world, or what is known as the true or good vision according to the Islamic faith and the Islamic religion. Doctrine of the Sunnis and the communityThe complete application of dream interpretation without the Internet by Ibn Sirin makes it easier for you to search for the interpretation of a dream and interpret the vision more accuratelyInterpretation of dreams without the Internet presents to you the interpretation of dreams in the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet according to Islamic law, which includes a dictionary of interpretation of dreams in letters in the form of a dictionary of the rules of interpretation of dreams in Islam based on Nabulsi’s interpretation, Nabulsi’s lectures, Al-Shaarawi’s interpretation, and Sahih Muslim with the Holy Quran and Hadith, the Islamic library, and the scientific encyclopedia. We also added an interpretation book. The Great Dreams of Ibn Sirin for free and without the InternetEncyclopedia of dream interpretation written by religious scholarsAn interpretation of a dream has been added based on the modern era and new interpretations, in addition to the main books on interpretationThe books used are from the comprehensive Islamic library websiteEncyclopedia of dream interpretationA collector of dream interpretations, alerting people to the interpretations of dreamsRules for interpreting dreams of the enlightening full moon in the science of expressionInterpretation of dreams Selected speech on the interpretation of dreamsInterpretation of a dream without the Internet is a program that provides you with a dictionary and interpretation of dreams by Ibn Sirin without the Internet in full. It also provides you with an interpretation of dreams in the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet in accordance with Islamic law.Application features- Provides all dream interpretations in one place- It works without the need for the Internet- Dreams of Ibn SirinIn the end, we will be very happy with our success in providing useful content and sweet dreams to everyone